Echo Chambers

Do you live in an echo chamber?

It's easy to. And it only seems to get easier.

Before we go on, you might like to read this article at The Atlantic which covers a large, recent echo chamber.
In case you don't read it, I'll summarise: Those on the further reaches on the political right in America are shocked that Barack Obama won a second term - because the right wing media they watch spent six months before the election saying that Obama would lose. It was regarded as disloyal, unpalatable and (at an editorial level) unprofitable to say anything else.

That's an Echo Chamber.

I don't follow much national or international news these days, but when I do I use three websites - The Independent, The Telegraph and BBC News. That covers most sensible biases.

And I often find myself in disagreement with The Telegraph, but I still read it. Exposure to a different point of view is healthy.

Technology makes it easy to live exclusively with your biases today. And that's purely a human failing - one which can be cured with a mere few clicks or taps.

But for convenience, the trend is towards aggregation that mirrors our preferences - a prison we build for ourselves out of satins and silks, that strokes our ego as it draws the curtains on the world outside.

Reading an uncomfortable viewpoint every day should be the mark of the stable, reasonable adult in our society.

Review your news sources. Add discomfort. Leave the Echo Chamber.